Northern section of South Road fit for long term

Road users will be able to enjoy a smoother and safer ride on a northern stretch of South Road, following the completion of resurfacing works between James Congdon Drive, Mile End South and Ashwin Parade, Thebarton.

The existing pavement on the 2.4-kilometre section of South Road has been removed and replaced with new asphalt.

More than 6 kilometres of South Road has been resurfaced as part of the ongoing $26 million resurfacing program that will ensure the long-term safety and integrity of the road surface ahead of the start of major River Torrens to Darlington (T2D) works.

Approximately 631,000 recycled glass bottles and more than 3600 tonnes of recycled asphalt pavement were diverted from landfill to form sustainably-sourced asphalt as part of the northern section of South Road resurfacing work.

The use of sustainable asphalt has created a saving of the equivalent of approximately 127 tonnes of carbon dioxide, the equivalent of 58 cars off the road for one year.

More than 50,000 vehicles per day use the section of South Road being resurfaced above where the T2D tunnels will be.

Works are well underway on the more than half a kilometre section of South Road between Bennet Avenue, Melrose Park and Norrie Avenue, Clovelly Park, including the resurfacing of the Daws Road intersection. These works are expected to be completed in the coming weeks.

Once these works have been completed, the remaining sections of works between Norrie Avenue and Rothesay Avenue, St Marys and Glengarry Avenue and Cowper Road, Black Forest will commence.

All resurfacing works are expected to be completed by the end of 2024.


Quotes attributable to Tom Koutsantonis 

Some sections of South Road had clearly reached end of life and the ongoing South Road resurfacing works are ensuring the road surface is fit for the long term.

The 2.4-kilometre northern section of works has been a massive undertaking, but has delivered a smoother and safer ride directly above where the northern tunnels will be.

Sustainability has been a priority as part of these resurfacing works and the use of sustainably-sourced asphalt has helped lower the carbon footprint for the T2D Project.

We have completed more than 6 kilometres of resurfacing on South Road and there is still more to come, with some smaller sections on the southern side to be completed by the end of the year.

We thank all road users for their patience and cooperation while these important works are being undertaken.


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