Safeguarding SA’s jetties now – and for the future
A major investment in much-needed maintenance and repair for South Australian jetties will be extended indefinitely – with the 2024-25 State Budget providing an additional annual $5 million boost from 2027-28.
The additional funding extends the initial $20 million announced in last year’s state budget, which has seen the State Government partner with local councils to fast-track improvements to the condition and sustainability of this ageing infrastructure.
The commitment effectively locks in the initial $20 million, four-year SA Jetties Renewal Program in perpetuity – creating an ongoing fund that can underpin the long-term health of these important civic monuments.
The funding is designed to address immediate and critical concerns regarding the condition and sustainability of state jetties, more than half of which are divested to local councils under long-term leasing arrangements dating back decades.
Under these leases, councils are responsible for all aspects of repairs and maintenance of these jetties. However, it has become clear that some councils have failed to maintain them appropriately, in some cases over an extended period of time.
Because of this lack of investment, assets they have been entrusted to maintain have been allowed to deteriorate, and in some cases even close.
In allocating these funds into the future, and continuing to work with councils willing to co-invest, we will see millions of dollars of additional funds collectively flow into the proper and ongoing upkeep of South Australia’s jetties, both now and into the future.
Attributable to Tom Koutsantonis
In recent months, we have allocated more than $10 million from our initial budget commitment to fast-track urgent repairs and help get closed facilities open again for the benefit of their communities.
We continue to work with other councils who do not want to pay their share for this work, because their communities deserve action to be taken.
For some regional communities, jetties are the lifeblood of their economies.
Today’s commitment ensures they can keep the hearts of their communities beating strongly now and in the future.
Attributable to Stephen Mullighan
In allocating these funds into the future, we remain committed to working with relevant councils that are willing to co-contribute to any necessary repairs.
The Malinauskas Labor Government has already made a considerable capital contribution that demonstrates the importance we place on the significance of jetties to their local communities.
This ongoing commitment – locked into the budget cycle from 2027-28 – will ensure we can continue to underpin the required maintenance and upkeep of some of South Australia’s most beloved pieces of infrastructure – and some of our premier tourist attractions.