South Australia Promotes its Hydrogen Potential

The South Australian Government will more than double its presence at the international Fuel Cell Expo in Tokyo, as the state showcases its natural resources, hydrogen sector and green iron potential at Smart Energy Week.

The event is one of the world’s biggest shows for hydrogen and fuel cells and this is the second straight year that South Australia has exhibited.

The exhibition provides an opportunity to demonstrate progress within the sector, collaborate with international stakeholders and show government support to the industry.

The event brings together the latest technologies such as hydrogen and fuel cells, solar power, rechargeable batteries, smart grids and wind power.

The Malinauskas Labor Government has committed an additional $1.2 million to increase South Australia’s presence at eight major International Hydrogen Events to showcase the State’s abilities on the global stage. This includes the Fuel Cell Expo and the World Hydrogen 2024 Summit in Rotterdam.

South Australia’s presence at Smart Energy Week follows the Major Economic Summit hosted by Premier Peter Malinauskas and Minister for Energy and Mining Tom Koutsantonis in the Upper Spencer Gulf.

Fuel Cell Expo begins in Tokyo today and is considered the most important hydrogen event in North East Asia. In 2023, the event attracted nearly 40,000 visitors and 431 exhibitors, including 125 international exhibitors.

This year, the Department for Trade and Investment is supporting three government agencies and 54 companies with project proposals in South Australia (including 10 hydrogen projects) to engage with Japanese companies, as well as those from Korea, Singapore, India, the United States and the European Union.

It will be an opportunity to provide updates on, and advocate for, projects in the state, including South Australia’s Hydrogen Jobs Plan, Marubeni’s Bolivar green hydrogen export project, Iron Road’s Cape Hardy Industrial Precinct with Amp Energy and GFG Alliance’s green iron potential.

Attendance at Smart Energy Week’s Fuel Cell Expo will promote South Australia’s capabilities to industry in Japan and from around the world, leading to introductions to relevant companies, and will give an update to stakeholders, academia and government about the rapid development of South Australia’s hydrogen sector.


Attributable to Tom Koutsantonis

South Australia continues to demonstrate that its resources are highly sought-after globally as they support the world’s transition to clean energy.

Our presence at Smart Energy Week in Tokyo will showcase these resources and capability in decarbonisation and will provide the opportunity for valuable engagement with stakeholders from around the world.

Attributable to Nick Champion

South Australia’s presence at Smart Energy Week’s Fuel Cell Expo will further promote our state as a global leader within the clean energy sector.

It will showcase our expertise and our industry leaders to stakeholders from around the world who are interested in investing and developing South Australia’s hydrogen and renewable energy.


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